Big Chief is a brand that prioritizes nature. It produces completely vegan-friendly and good-quality vape cartridges and cannabinoid products.
Their cannabinoid products have consisted of a higher amount of therapeutic properties, which is absolutely a good value for health.
Now, very usually these valuable facts are making this brand famous in the marketplace. Also, big chief carts prices and reviews are other key points for its demand online or offline.
The miserable fact is, that most demanded products in the market are the most captive victim of fake and copied products. Scammers target those brands for making copy products because those get a higher number of sales and profit.
Fake products are not properly tested in some certified labs. As a result, there are uncertainties and health damage risks in using copy vape cartridge products. And we are here gonna let you know how to figure out Big chief extracts fake and real products while buying.
Let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Big Chief Carts Fake vs Real – How To Spot Differences

The Packaging
Packaging matters a lot in terms of distinguishing between real and fake products. Whenever you are buying a Big Chief Cart, you got to have a clear look at the packaging. If the seal is broken, you should not buy the product because it may be a fake one.
So many times, the scammers collect genuine product packets and then fill them with fake products, but they cannot fix the seal and intact behavior of the package. So this is important to watch the package carefully while buying your Big Chief Cartridge.
Also, sometimes fake product packages are produced locally. In this case, they cannot provide the genuine quality of the packaging. The reason is simply the local markets don’t have that kind of factories that can produce premium packaging materials. Or sometimes they just make lower quality packaging for cost-cutting. Thus, if you have a clear look at the big chief product package, you will find inconvenience in it if a fake product is in your hands.
QR Codes
QR codes are almost on each and every product package nowadays. Though many of general users don’t have any idea about the utilization of this valuable part.
If you are one of them, then for our concern, you can get different legitimate and necessary information about the product you are buying by scanning the QR code.
In case you are buying a Big Chief Cart, you have to look for the QR codes on the back of the package of your Big Chief cart. Scan the QR code with your phone and this will take you to all the valuable information needed for the authentication of the product.
So, ultimately you can be sure that the cart you are buying is an authentic big chief one.
But the unwanted truth is, Generating QR codes are very much easier nowadays with third-party apps. And this is obviously a threat for detecting a fake Big Chief Cart product.
In that case, checking for online authentication is the only way you can go for.
Check Online Authentication
Checking online authentication is a very reliable way by which you can distinguish between real and fake Big Chief Carts.
Firstly, while buying a big chief dab product, if you find the authentication QR code is already exposed, we recommend not to go for the device.
If the QR code is completely intact, you gotta scratch it and scan the code. This will take you to the Big Chief authentication website and let you get valuable information about the authentication of the device.
In this scenario, if your QR code doesn’t take you to the proper website, the product is fake for sure.
Even sometimes, the code takes you to the authentication site but the authentication process doesn’t finish successfully.
This is also a completely fake product scenario. You gotta avoid the products that show these phenomena.
Lab Result Checking
With each and every authentic vape and cannabis product, there should be a Lab result paper that assures the product quality and health safety concerns along with the ingredients inside the product. So, if the Big Chief Cart you are buying from some local outlets or online, you have to make sure, there is an authentic lab result that can assure that the product is genuine.
So many fake product scammers copy some genuine lab results for a product and leave copies with each of their fake products. You have to be careful about it the quality and dynamic numbering of the certification that makes it unique.

Certification almost works similarly to the lab results papers. Your product should be provided with one unique certification each. If you find that similar to a copied one, you should avoid the product.
Most often in this situation, the big chief you are buying can be a fake product.
Vitamin E Acetate
Checking the parameter of Vitamin E Acetate is a significant way of identifying whether your Big Chief Cart is real or fake.
But testing this is not for a general user. As a general user, it is tough for you to test the Vitamin E Acetate of the vape cart. So, this formula will actually be left under the page.
Authentic Provider
Always keep in mind that, whether you are buying the Big Chief online or offline, you should be aware of where you are buying it. Whether the provider is reliable or not.
We mostly recommend buying the cart from the company’s authentic providers and distributors. It may assure you that the product is completely authentic.
The authentic provider will assure the quality and authenticity of the product to you. A third-party provider may sell fake big chief products for extra profits, but the authentic distributor won’t do such activities.
So, while you are gonna buy a big chief cart, you are recommended to buy it from an authentic source, whether it is online or offline.
Some buyers have thought that, if they are buying it from some online platform that has a good review, means the product is real. This thinking has been proven wrong so many times. So many online sources are accused of selling fake carts in recent times. So, keep these things in mind and don’t fall into traps like these.
So, you have now a complete concept of how to differentiate between real and fake Big Chief extract Cart Products. If you have read it carefully, hopefully, you won’t be in a trouble choosing your real Big Chief Carts.
Meta Description: Trouble in choosing between Real and fake Big Chief Carts? You are at the right place. Read it carefully, and things will be clear to you.
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